First two Snowbirds arrive at Penticton Regional Airport late Monday morning. The remainder of the planes were due in later in the afternoon. Mark Brett/Western News

First two Snowbirds arrive at Penticton Regional Airport late Monday morning. The remainder of the planes were due in later in the afternoon. Mark Brett/Western News

Canadian Forces Snowbirds making quick trip to Penticton

Planes will be touching down at the Penticton airport to refuel

If you look up to the skies on Thursday in Penticton, you may just get a glimpse of the Canadian Forces Snowbirds.

Snowbird 10 and 11 are anticipated to be roaring into the city around 10:30 a.m. in advance of the nine other planes who will touchdown at the airport around 12:30 p.m.

READ MORE: Snowbirds and SkyHawks return to Penticton Peach Festival

“They usually do a little bit of a tour around, especially the boss as he comes in. He has never been here before, unlike some of the other pilots, so it wouldn’t be unusual for him to do a quick pass over the city,” said John Singleton, chair of the Air Show Committee for when the Snowbirds perform at Peach Festival on Aug. 7.

Fred Trainor, who also sits on the committee said he also suspects the Snowbirds might “strafe the village” before they land. He said the planes will be here for just a short time as once they refuel they will head to Boundary Bay in preparation for the show there on July 20.

The Snowbirds will be back in Penticton on Aug. 7 to perform at Peachfest from 6 to 6:45 p.m. Earlier that day they will pilot one of the bins in the Peach Bin Races in the 100 block of Main Street at 12:15 p.m.

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