Ridge Meadows RCMP’s street enforcement unit searched four homes in late July. (Contributed)

Ridge Meadows RCMP’s street enforcement unit searched four homes in late July. (Contributed)

Cash, bike, cars seized from four Maple Ridge homes

RCMP make four simultaneous raids in late July

Ridge Meadows RCMP‘s street enforcment unit searched four homes in Maple Ridge late last month and arrested three men and one woman at residences on Robertson Street and Pine Street, as part of an investigation into alleged drug trafficking.

The searches were conducted on July 25, and resulted in the seizure of what’s suspected to be 300 doses of cocaine and more than $45,000 in cash.

Drug packaging, accounting records, a money-counting machine and four vehicles were seized: a 2015 Mercedes CLS6 car, a 2018 Ducati motorcycle, a 2010 Chevy Malibu and a 2009 Dodge Calibre.

“We have to deploy our resources in a manner which provides the greatest impact to our communities and targeting these types of operations is how we do that,” Supt. Jennifer Hyland said in an Aug. 2 release.

“We’d be pretty ineffective if we always revealed what we are up to, but we do want residents to know that we are out there focusing on these high-profile targets,” Hyland said.

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