Castlegar developing downtown plan

City is seeking input from residents as they develop the plan.

The City of Castlegar has begun its consultation process as it works on developing a Downtown Area Plan.

The city says that the plan will create a framework for improving the economic vitality and attractiveness of the city’s downtown core. It will also guide growth and future development and establish a vision to encourage and foster the development of a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly and economically resilient downtown core.

Developing a plan for downtown is a key objective of the city’s Official Community Plan and is included in the city’s 2019-23 strategic priorities.

The first opportunity to give in-person feedback will be at an open house led by the city staff and the project’s consultants on Wednesday, Nov. 6 from 4 to 8 p.m. with a presentation at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Castlegar Community Forum located at 445 13th Ave.

Another way to give feedback is through

The online tool allows residents to share their thoughts and ideas for the city’s downtown in an open format rather than survey style.

“Our city has been identified as a community that is expected to lead B.C. in growth during the coming years and we have a downtown core with huge potential,” says Mayor Bruno Tassone. “For council, we see this as an opportune time to engage the community in discussions so that we can develop a plan which encourages investment and ensures we are poised to take advantage of future opportunities.”

Downtown area plans commonly adress topics such as residential development, redevelopment of existing commercial and residential properties, utilizing public space for commercial and recreational opportunities and encouraging investment. They also look at streetscapes, gateways, downtown themes, building and property improvements, signage, parking and traffic.

Castlegar News