CCRD Minutes in a Minute for March 2016

On Thursday, March 10th 2016, the CCRD held their regularly scheduled board meeting.

On Thursday, March 10th 2016, the CCRD held their regularly scheduled board meeting.  For the complete draft of the March meeting minutes visit the CCRD website at The next regular meeting of the CCRD board will be Thursday, April 14th 2016 and as always the public are welcome to attend.

The Minister of Community Sport and Cultural Development has signed the Cost Sharing Agreement with the CCRD for undertaking the Governance and Service Delivery Diagnostic Analysis Study to the value of $60,000 for Phase 1 of the study. The Terms of Reference for Phase 1 has been approved and highlight four themes. These themes are: Service delivery, organization and cost recovery; Electoral Area governance and structure; Local governance and service relationships; and, Access to infrastructure and other grant funding.

A short list of five appropriately qualified and experienced consultants was agreed upon with the Ministry of Community Sport and Cultural Development.  The Request for Proposal (RFP) was sent out to the chosen consultants with a deadline of March 21st 2016.

There were two delegations joining the meeting. The RCMP gave their quarterly review and emphasized that they want to continue building relationships throughout the communities. Internal planning is currently underway and one of the RCMP’s priorities is reducing youth access to liquor.  As part of tackling this priority they will continue to work in schools with the D.A.R.E. program (Drug Abuse Resistance Education).

Joan Sawicki gave the final presentation from the Official Community Plan Advisory Committee (OCPAC). All committee members were acknowledged for their efforts through the plan review process.

Additional highlights include: The 2016-2020 budget was adopted and copies of the Central Coast Regional District Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 55, 2016 are available online and at the CCRD Office.

CCRD Policy for the Ethical Standards of Conduct for Elected Officials was amended to include a section on the Principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The Bella Coola Valley Sustainable Agriculture Society has acquired a listserv as a means for local buyers to communicate demand with local producers.  Those interested in registering for the listserv can contact Dayna at

Did you know? An Official Community Plan (OCP) is intended as a long-term visionary document. The OCP is a statement of objectives and policies that are used to guide decisions on planning and land use management, within the plan area, respecting the purposes and mandate of the local government.


Coast Mountain News