The Sparwood Golf Club received $1,206.12 for a lighting project as part of its wider renewal efforts. (Image contributed by Columbia Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies)

CFKR allocates over $11,000 to Elk Valley community programs

Over $50,000 was dished out between the communities of the Kootenay Rockies

  • May. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies (CFKR) has dished out over $11,000 to Elk Valley communities as part of its 2021 grants program.

Over $50,000 was distributed between 41 community projects and initiatives, with $11,343,78 coming to 12 projects between the three communities of the valley.

In Elkford, funds will go towards picnic tables and heaters for the Wapiti Ski Club, a skating program with the Elkford Skating Club, and the Elkford Public Library Association received funding for more books for you.

Sparwood funds went towards meals on wheels through the Elk Valley Seniors Housing Society, a new lighting project at the Sparwood Golf Club, and the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network.

Between them, both Sparwood and Elkford had funds allocated to Twin Meadows Animal Rescue Society for vet care.

Funds in Fernie went towards the Fernie Family Garden for an accessibility project, the Fernie and District Arts Council for a public arts festival, the Association Francohophone des Rocheuses du Sud (AFRoS) for their story walk program, and the Fernie Legion for a facility improvement project.

“The Community Foundation is thrilled to support the excellent work of these local non-profit organizations that contribute so much to each of our communities, especially during the current pandemic,” said CFKR Executive Director Lynnette Wray.

The CFKR will announce who the recipient of the Dr. Sparling and Mrs. Mary East Memorial Scholarship ($1,000) in coming months.

READ MORE: RDEK posts operating surplus as pandemic reduces costs

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