Cherryville awaits slide report

Community has sought details into 2012 incident through Freedom of Information request

Cherryville residents hope to soon know more about what caused a slide.

The provincial government has sent a letter indicating that a freedom of information request into a 2012 slide on Sugar Lake Road is no longer subject to a fee.

“The request was reopened Jan. 15 and information access operations is currently reviewing records and preparing them for the final body to sign off,” said John Wilson, senior analyst, in the letter.

Hank Cameron, Cherryville director, hopes to have a response in a month.

“We’d like to reassure the three property owners (next to the slide) that it won’t happen again,” he said.

The findings of the report into the 2012 slide could also play a role in current community concerns about logging on Cherry Ridge.

“There are similar land forms and terrain. The whole area is susceptible to debris torrents,” said Cameron.

Silver Star governance expanded

All forms of future governance will be considered for a North Okanagan community.

Draft changes to the Silver Star official community plan had only referred to a resort association for governance, but the Regional District of North Okanagan board has decided to refer to other possible options.

“It broadens the discussion and doesn’t just limit it to resort association,” said director Mike Macnabb.

One possibility is forming a municipality.

The OCP bylaw has been given second reading and will now go to a public hearing.

Appointments made

Members of the Regional District of North Okanagan board have been given their assignments.

Appointments have been made for 2016, including Herman Halvorson to the Fraser Basin Council, director Brian Quiring to the Okanagan Film Commission and director Mike Macnabb to Okanagan Regional Library.

The representatives to Okanagan Basin Water Board are directors Juliette Cunningham, Doug Dirk and Bob Fleming.

Going to the Sterile Insect Release board on behalf of RDNO will be director Shirley Fowler, while director Hank Cameron will attend meetings of the Southern Interior Mountain Pine Beetle Action Committee.


Vernon Morning Star