Chilliwack cyclists unite for GoByBikeBC Week

People young and old are encouraged to bike as often as possible between May 31 and June 6

Cyclists young and old are encouraged to ride their bikes as often as possible for GoByBikeBC Week, running May 31 to June 6. (Submitted photo)

Whether it’s a short trip around your neighbourhood or a longer ride through Chilliwack’s local trails, people are encouraged to ride their bicycles as often as possible for GoByBikeBC Week.

Running May 31 to June 5, GoByBikeBC Week celebrates one of the few activities that has been untouched by the COVID pandemic. While gyms, arenas, swimming pools and even playgrounds have been closed over the last 15 months, cycling has remained accessible to anyone with a bike.

“My family loves outdoors no matter the weather, even more so on two wheels,” said Chilliwack’s Marijke Campbell in a GoByBikeBC Society news release. “Biking has gifted us a form of freedom and normalcy in these unknown times. My husband and I spend many days with our girls biking and exploring our local community in a safe, social distant way.”

Biking next week may also earn you a shot at great prizes, including an Exodus Travels adventure for two cycling the Dalmatian Coast in Croatia. Register online at and log your rides to become eligible to win.

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Link your GoByBikeBC account to your Strava account and automatically enter prize draws when you ride using the app, which uses GPS data and social networking to enhance the cycling experience.

Students also have a chance to win prizes by entering the Bike Reels Student Video Contest. Create a short video sharing how cycling has helped you during the pandemic, or tips for safe cycling, or why cycling is good for the environment, or more.

There are friendly competitions happening around the province, including one between Chilliwack and Abbotsford to see who can motivate the most riders to register and which community will bike the most kilometers by June 14.

There are social media contests where participants can win prizes, including a limited edition United By Cycling hat. Follow GoByBikeBC on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to participate.

“What better joy is there as a parent than to see your kids on bikes riding through puddles?” Campbell asked. “What better way to relieve some stress? Get outside active. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay biking.”

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