Charlie Frie stands on his bass while performing alongside Appaloosa band mate Jake Stolz as the band made sure the crowd was entertained, at a concert in Vernon in 2018. (Tobias Frederiksen/Vernon Morning Star file)

Charlie Frie stands on his bass while performing alongside Appaloosa band mate Jake Stolz as the band made sure the crowd was entertained, at a concert in Vernon in 2018. (Tobias Frederiksen/Vernon Morning Star file)

Chilliwack Fair kicks off tonight with local talent

Todd Richard and Appaloosa to hit the stage for drive-in concert at fairgrounds

The Chilliwack Fair is celebrating its 148th year in unique style, and it all starts tonight (Aug. 7).

Rather than scratch the whole fair, the board decided to mix and match some old favourite events with new technology. Tonight kicks off with a special concert with local musicians Todd Richard and Appaloosa.

This concert is a drive-in, and social distancing rules are strictly in place. Tickets are not available on site.

On Saturday, Aug. 8, there will be another in-person event, with the Mountain Trail Horse Show, followed by a Gymkhana Horse Show on Sunday. Then, on Aug. 14, there will be a drive-in movie night, featuring Toy Story 4.

Other events to catch at the Fair include goat yoga, crafts via Zoom, and many more concerts. All on-site events require a pre-purchased ticket and all current Covid-19 rules will apply. Events run until Aug. 16, including several online portions of the fair.

For full details on times, events, prices and rules for distancing measures, visit

READ MORE: Chilliwack Fair moves to digital arena due to coronavirus

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