Signs are posted and RCMP officers are on the lookout for car thieves, but police say the public has a role to play in preventing theft. (Submitted photo)

Signs are posted and RCMP officers are on the lookout for car thieves, but police say the public has a role to play in preventing theft. (Submitted photo)

Chilliwack RCMP offer tips to thwart car thieves

Summer is a busy season for thieves who profit stealing from cars left at parks and beaches

With better weather around the corner and vacationers ready to hit the road, the RCMP says thieves are ready to cash in.

During the summer months, the Upper Fraser Valley sees the arrival of seasonal visitors to the region’s parks and recreational sites. The influx of travellers presents greater opportunity for thieves to prey on vehicles left in the parking lots.

RCMP front line officers remain vigilant while conducting proactive patrols, but Cpl. Mike Rail said theft prevention requires the police and public working together.

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“Theft of property from vehicles is a crime of opportunity that can be significantly reduced by vehicle owners practicing some crime prevention habits,” the spokesperson for the UFVRD noted.

Prevention tips are mostly common-sense and include:

· Locking the doors when leaving your vehicle.

· Ensuring all valuables in your parked vehicle are stored out of sight.

· Not leaving valuables in your vehicle overnight.

For more tips on how to prevent property theft from your auto, visit the RCMP website and search for safety tips, or visit ICBC’s theft prevention page at

The RCMP reminds anyone who witnesses anything suspicious to contact their local police agency or Crime Stoppers (anonymously) at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).

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