Joseph Creek running high in years past. Townsman file photo.

Joseph Creek running high in years past. Townsman file photo.

City monitoring water levels, warn residents to be safe

Given the spring freshet and a rainy forecast for the ucpcoming long weekend, the City of Cranbrook is warning residents to be safe around local creeks and waterways.

Given the spring freshet and a rainy forecast for the ucpcoming long weekend, the City of Cranbrook is warning residents to be safe around local creeks and waterways.

Staff are also asking residents to report any flooding, bank erosion, obstructions in creeks, flooded ditches or roadways and blocked culverts.

The city can be contacted at 311 or after-hours at 250-489-4264.

Staff have been monitoring rising water levels at Joseph Creek and sandbags and crews are ready to be deployed if needed.

Given the lower snowpack this year, there aren’t any major concerns about low-lying flooding, however, if rainfall significantly increases, there could be risks of flooding events.

The City will continue to closely monitor creek levels and will provide updates and additional information throughout the weekend and into next week, should conditions change.

Visit the city website for more information about flooding and flood preparedness.

Cranbrook Townsman