Al Horsman has resigned as Maple Ridge’s chief administrative officer after less than two years on the job. (Contributed)

City of Maple Ridge CAO Horsman resigns

Has been on the job less than two years

The top job at Maple Ridge City Hall is being vacated.

On Tuesday, Chief Administrative Officer Al Horsman’s resignation was submitted to council. Horsman will remain in his position until Aug. 13, and will assist council and the city’s human resources department in the development and implementation of an interim strategy until a new CAO is appointed.

Horsman did not last two years in the job, having been hired in September of 2019 from the City of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

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His departure continues a trend of short stays in the job.

Horsman took over from Kelly Swift, who was the acting CAO. Swift had been the general manager of parks, recreation and culture, and was appointed the acting CAO after the retirement of Paul Gill in February of 2019.

READ ALSO: Maple Ridge CAO retires

Gill worked with the city for 31 years, but had only been in the CAO’s chair for a year and a half.

He was preceded by Ted Swabey, who was in the position for less than two years.

So, city council is about to work with their fourth CAO since Mayor Michael Morden and his council were elected in October 2018.

Jim Rule retired as CAO in May 2015. He had been in the position 13 years. Since then, the office has seen Swabey, Gill, Swift (acting CAO), Horsman and soon a fifth person.

READ ALSO: Maple Ridge chief administrative officers moves on

“Al’s contributions to council, staff and the City of Maple Ridge over the past two years leave us in a much better place,” said Mayor Mike Morden. “We appreciate his commitment, through council direction, to continue on and help recruit a new CAO. What he has given has been our gain – we sincerely wish Al all the very best as he rejoins his family.”

“I will deeply miss the exciting work being undertaken at the city as well as staff and the community at large. However, personal commitments back East have made it challenging to remain here,” said Mr. Horsman. “I thank mayor and council for their support over the last couple of years. I would also like to thank the leadership team and staff at the city for their support, professionalism and dedication.”

Council has directed the human resources department to begin a search for a new CAO.

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