Updated drawings of planned pedestrian improvements at the intersections of Victoria Road and Cavan Street and Victoria Crescent and Esplanade. (City of Nanaimo image)

City of Nanaimo making improvements to Victoria Crescent-Esplanade intersection

Bid comes in under budget, allowing scope of project to be expanded

  • Feb. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

One of Nanaimo’s gateway intersections downtown is getting upgraded.

Staff reported to the City of Nanaimo’s finance and audit committee this week about pedestrian improvements at the Victoria Road-Esplanade intersection, which is getting curb extensions and crosswalks with flashing beacons.

General manager of engineering and public works Bill Sims told council that the project was tendered as a package along with pedestrian upgrades at the Waddingtong Road-St. George Cres. intersection and the Haliburton multi-use trail. The low bid was $196,000 below the approved budget of $595,000, so staff identified an opportunity to upgrade the Victoria Road-Cavan Street intersection at the same time.

“We’re ending up with a better project and still within budget,” Sims said.

The Victoria Road-Cavan intersection is also getting curb extensions and a new crosswalk and Waddington-St. George is getting curb extensions, flashing beacons and bus stop improvements. The Haliburton multi-use path is a 900-metre trailway replacing the sidewalk.

“This tells me that the engineering department has really been listening in terms of enhancing and advancing certain projects so I’m really appreciative of that,” said Coun. Erin Hemmens.

All three projects are expected to be completed by the end of April, noted a city staff report.

READ ALSO: Five Nanaimo intersections will get pedestrian safety upgrades

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