With proof of vaccination, the maximum capacity for spectators at the West Fraser Centre is 660 people. (File Photo - Quesnel Cariboo Observer)

City of Quesnel details vaccine passport policies

The province requires proof of vaccination for any event with more than 50 spectators, adult classes

  • Sep. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

City of Quesnel recreation facilities are following provincial government rules for COVID-19.

As of Sept. 13, places such as fitness centres and sporting events are required to check the status of participants and spectators.

The city said, however, if there is an event with 50 or less spectators, no vaccination check is needed.

“Any groups renting the arena are responsible for managing this during their rentals. This does not mean that the first 50 don’t have to provide proof of vaccination and over 51 and up do,” city of Quesnel communications clerk Linda McIntyre said in an email.

“The group will either need to limit access to 50 spectators (in which case proof of vaccination is not required) or decide they are going to allow more than 50 spectators and ensure that all spectators show proof of vaccination.”

READ MORE: Proof of vaccination to be required for B.C. sports, movies, restaurants

No proof of vaccination is required at the West Fraser Centre (WFC) walking track, which is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Arena 2’s maximum capacity is 100 people, meaning 50 per cent capacity, as allowed under current health rules is only 50 people.

The WFC maximum capacity under current health rules is 660 people, if those 660 provided proof of vaccination.

At the Quesnel and District Recreation Centre, no proof of vaccination is required except for those in an adult sport or fitness class, or when there is an event attended by more than 50 people.

The pool at the rec centre is set to re-open on Sept. 20 after regular maintenance.

McIntyre said the rules at city facilities could change with further clarifications from the province on health rules.

“We are continuously trying to clarify our understanding of the order but as of this moment, this is how we are interpreting the intent,” she said.

“Proof of vaccination is only required if more than 50 spectators are in attendance.”

The pools and arenas are open without proof of vaccination except for participants in adult sport/fitness activities and when there is an event attended by more than 50 people.

All programs for children or youth (under 22 years old) are exempted from the order, except for organized events with more than 50 spectators, where only the spectators will be asked to show proof of vaccination.

House local games are not considered an organized event.

Quesnel Minor Hockey’s season kicks off on Sept. 17, and they will be livestreaming events again this season.

READ MORE: Quesnel arena increases capacity limits, gets ready to re-open walking track

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email: cassidy.dankochik@quesnelobserver.com


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