Cherry blossoms line the streets in Vic West. (Nicole Crescenzi/News Staff)

Cherry blossoms line the streets in Vic West. (Nicole Crescenzi/News Staff)

City of Victoria has a map for all the cherry blossoms

People can practise social distancing while enjoying the colours of spring

  • Apr. 14, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Spring doesn’t stop for coronavirus, and even though people are trying to practise social distancing, they’re also noticing the blossoms.

Countless photos across social media show cherry blossoms, tulips and daffodils peeking out, bringing nature and colour to an otherwise quarantined life.

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So, here’s a friendly reminder that the City of Victoria offers a map of where all the cherry and plum blossoms can be found.

Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry still recommends that people get exercise – all while maintaining a safe distance from other people, of course – so why not find your nearest local blooms and take a nice walk or bike ride past them?

The map for blossoms can be found at

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