Williams Lake city council decided at its regular meeting Tuesday, Aug. 17, that it will continue to also have its COW meetings live streamed and held in council chambers. (Monica Lamb-Yorski photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

City of Williams Lake will continue to livestream committee of the whole meetings

COVID-19 restrictions saw the meetings livestreamed while the public could not attend in person

Williams Lake city council has decided its committee of the whole (COW) meetings should continue to be held in city chambers and be live streamed.

Before COVID-19 restrictions, COW meetings were held downstairs in the Rick Hansen Board Room in city hall and they were not live streamed, but have been now for several months.

During the Tuesday, Aug. 17 regular meeting, city council discussed the issue and decided in the end, by live streaming the meetings council will be more transparent and there is more room in city hall chambers for the public to attend.

Mayor Walt Cobb was worried that people appearing as a delegation at the meetings might not be comfortable to be on video.

While city council meetings involved passing or defeating motions, at COW meetings discussions lead to recommendations, but no final decisions are made.

Regular council meetings are already live streamed and available to watch on the city’s YouTube page.

The city’s chief administrative officer Gary Muraca told council there will be some upgrades made in city hall in the near future which will include desks, better screens, audio and a paint job.

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