Municipal election candidates are running afoul of the city's election signage bylaw, updated earlier this year. Mark Brett/Western News

Municipal election candidates are running afoul of the city's election signage bylaw, updated earlier this year. Mark Brett/Western News

City taking steps to avoid parking congestion at polls

Parking measures in place for residents voting at the PTCC

The City of Penticton is taking steps to reduce parking congestion at the Trade and Convention Centre Saturday (Oct. 20) when residents arrive to cast their votes.

“We expect Saturday to be a busy day at both our voting locations,” said Laurie Darcus, chief election officer. “We hope to make the process of voting as smooth as possible. Drivers using other facilities are asked to find an alternative place to park so as to minimize parking congestion outside the PTCC.”

Access to the general parking lot off Power Street is reserved for voters coming to the PTCC and others coming to use facilities at the Community Centre/Pool.

Parking attendants stationed at the entrances near Birch Avenue and alongside Memorial Arena will confirm drivers entering the lot are not using spaces while engaged in activities or events at other facilities.

Penticton’s other polling station will be set up at the Seniors Drop-in Centre, 2965 South Main St. Voters can also travel to and from the polls for free on selected B.C. Transit routes.

Related: Free election day bus service and property boundary checks advised

Steve Kidd

Senior reporter, Penticton Western News

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