City waves Modesto flag

Vernon to install flag, tour bus parking proposed, no extra tax break for science centre, extended alcohol service sought

A Vernon sister city will wave the flag.

Council has approved the installation of a new flag pole at the main entrance to city hall and the flag from Modesto, Calif. will be flown.

“Modesto has been a sister city for a long time and it’s nice to see a vibrant relationship,” said Coun. Mary-Jo O’Keefe.

The flag pole was recommended by Vernon’s sister cities committee.

Tour bus parking proposed

There may be a solution to a lack of parking for tour buses and RVs in downtown Vernon.

The parking advisory committee has proposed that large tourism-related vehicles be allowed to park at Beairsto and St. James schools during the summer when classes are not in session.

“The recommendation arose following a discussion of one of the action items of the city centre neighbourhood plan parking implementation plan seeking to find long-term locations for tour bus parking,” said Amanda Watson, transportation engineer.

No extra tax break for science centre

The Okanagan Science Centre has been denied a 2014 property tax exemption by the City of Vernon.

The request had been for the Anna Cail Heritage  Hall in Polson Park.

“They don’t have a signed lease on the building they wanted an exemption for,” said Kevin Bertles, finance manager.

The science centre, though, does get a tax exemption for the main building that it uses.

Extended alcohol service sought

A Vernon service club wants to be able to serve alcohol for a longer period of time.

The City of Vernon will advise the provincial Liquor Control and Licensing Branch that it supports a bid from the Army, Navy and Airforce Association to serve alcohol from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Monday to Saturday and 9 a.m. to midnight Sundays.

“This would be to accommodate tournaments for darts and pool,” said Dean Strachan, the city’s planning assistant.

Currently, the association can serve alcohol, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday to Saturday and from 11 a.m. to midnight Sundays.


Vernon Morning Star