Clearwater Eco depot funding still in the wind

Work has started on the EcoDepot at the old Camp 2 site in Clearwater

  • Sep. 26, 2011 7:00 p.m.
An excavator digs and a truck hauls dirt as work gets underway around the foundations of the old Camp Two sawmill on a new EcoDepot for Clearwater. Despite delays by other agencies, the TNRD is going ahead with the project.

An excavator digs and a truck hauls dirt as work gets underway around the foundations of the old Camp Two sawmill on a new EcoDepot for Clearwater. Despite delays by other agencies, the TNRD is going ahead with the project.

Work has started on the EcoDepot at the old Camp 2 site in Clearwater. However, Thompson-Nicola Regional District is still waiting for $9.4 million from the Building Canada Fund – Communities Component.

Don May, Manager of Environmental Health Services for the regional district, explained that the grant application process is complete. BCF-CC told TNRD it could expect the funds at the end of August.  However, the release of the funds rests on the signing of an Environmental Assessment Report  (EAR) by Infrastructure Canada.  No explanation for the delay was available.

In the meantime, as many items as possible are being worked on to reduce further delays. The TNRD is getting a head start on many of the recommendations in the EAR.  Issues such as an archaeological study, species at risk assessment, riparian field assessment, etc, are underway or completed. A zoning issue with the District of Clearwater will be cleared with the passing of an amendment bylaw at the next council meeting.

As with any project like this, timing is everything. Winter weather is coming and the window of opportunity to do the concrete work is quickly passing. Heating a project of this size to lay and cure concrete in winter would be prohibitively expensive.

However, the window of opportunity for excavation is now. The Migratory Bird Act prohibits stripping of ground cover in spring to prevent disruption of bird nesting sites. With the site prepped, the construction can commence as soon as the funds are released and weather permits.

TNRD is using its financial commitment to cover off those costs currently being incurred. The steel building components are purchased and much of it has arrived on site.

The regional district was notified in the fall of 2009 that the project was approved and that it could expect the funds pending completion of the various requirements, such as the EAR. The grant funds will cover off about 2/3 of the total cost of the projects included in the application.  Several federal and provincial agencies are involved in this process.

– Grant Gale





Clearwater Times