Clearwater takes part in Earth Hour

Clearwater reduced its consumption of electricity by 3.2 per cent from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, Mar. 31

Did you turn your lights off during Earth Hour? If you did, then you helped Clearwater to rank in the top third of the communities in the province.

According to BC Hydro, Clearwater reduced its consumption of electricity by 3.2 per cent from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, Mar. 31.

That placed in the 23rd spot amongst the 76 communities in B.C. ranked by their Earth Hour participation.

Revelstoke placed first, with a power reduction of 12.1 per cent. Pemberton came second at 6.8 per cent and Ladysmith was third with 5.8 per cent.

Kamloops, the only other nearby community in the rankings, placed 15th with a 3.6 per cent reduction.

“I want to commend BC Hydro for the great work it does in promoting Earth Hour,” said Terry Lake, the Minister of Environment.

“Earth Hour is about conserving energy in the short term but it also gets us to think of easy ways to reduce our energy consumption over the long term, which in turn helps reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.”

Earth Hour is an annual global event hosted by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and supported provincially by BC Hydro. This year marks the fifth year of BC Hydro’s support of the event. The goal of the event is to encourage individuals to turn off unnecessary lights and electronics in an effort to conserve power and in doing so, demonstrate support for climate change reduction efforts.


Clearwater Times