Prince Rupert fire department battles a mock fire at the Lester Centre parking lot (Gareth Millroy

Prince Rupert fire department battles a mock fire at the Lester Centre parking lot (Gareth Millroy

CN and AltaGas host emergency response drill

The Lester Centre parking lot in Prince Rupert was set ablaze today with a controlled fire

  • Apr. 7, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Prince Rupert fire department held a fire drill on Apr. 6 and a controlled fire could be seen quite far off as the fire department practiced extinguishing fires.

The spectacle drew curious on-lookers who were warmed by the blaze.

READ MORE: B.C. fire department offers tips to keep your home safe during wildfire season

Firefighters on the scene declined to comment. The event sponsor’s media relations spokesperson, Jonathan Abecassis, stated: “Safety is a core value at CN and as part of our commitment to running a safe railway, we participate and help organize training sessions for local first responders in the communities where we operate.”

“On Saturday, April 06 2019, the CN Dangerous Goods team is partnering with AltaGas to host an Emergency Response Assistance Canada (ERAC) training session for firefighters from Prince Rupert and Port Edward.” Abecassis said in an email to The Northern View.

“This training is part of the ongoing support we provide first responders throughout BC and our network.”

gareth.millroy@thenorthernview.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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