The federal government is helping CN finance safety improvements where its spur line to Kitimat crosses a road.
The cost of the project where CN’s tracks cross Queensway just after the Skeena River rail bridge is just over $315,000. Half of the money is coming from the federal transportation department through a program aimed at increasing safety where railway tracks intersect with roads.
CN will install flashing lights and bells and gates, according to the application it filed with Transport Canada for financial assistance.
The work is scheduled to take place this spring.
“The Rail Safety Improvement Program can provide contribution funding to for-profit organizations, and payments are made as reimbursement of eligible expenditures,” indicates information provided by Transport Canada.
“For-profit organizations can claim up to 50 per cent of total eligible project expenditures. CN is the recipient, and the company is eligible for up to 50 per cent. Canada’s contribution for this agreement is $157,663.50.”
The project will involve the cooperation of the provincial transportation ministry.
“There are no anticipated costs to the ministry with the crossing upgrade,” said the ministry in a provided statement.
The project was first proposed for the spring of last year but has been deferred until this spring.