Alphabet Zoo Early Learning Centre wanted to relocate from Langford to 3322 Fulton Rd. in Colwood, but was denied approval for a P6 zoning at the March 22 council meeting. The lease on the current Alphabet Zoo site was supposed to run out this month, but has been extended. (Photo courtesy Alphabet Zoo Early Learning Centre)

Colwood denies rezoning application from proposed daycare site

Lease on Alphabet Zoo Early Learning Centre's current site gets extended

  • Mar. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A proposed daycare site had its rezoning request denied by Colwood council Monday.

Alphabet Zoo Early Learning Centre wanted to relocate from Langford to 3322 Fulton Rd. in Colwood, but was not approved for a P6 zoning at the March 22 meeting. Reasons the application was denied include lack of sewer connection and it is a panhandle lot in a residential neighbourhood.

The proposed daycare site evoked opposition from neighbouring residents, with concerns about traffic, and noise that a child care centre would bring to the area.

RELATED: Proposed West Shore daycare stirs up controversy amongst neighbours

The motion to deny the rezoning application follows a recommendation made by city staff at a March 15 meeting, where neighbouring residents also expressed their concerns.

The lease on the current Alphabet Zoo site was supposed to run out this month, but has been extended. Staff from Alphabet Zoo said they were sad about the decision by council but are happy to still be operating.

“That process was disheartening, but we are very fortunate that we took steps to ensure we are covered, and got our lease extended,” said Laura-Lee Johnson, manager of Alphabet Zoo.

“We don’t know what the future will hold, but for now, we will focus on the positives, which is being able to still take care of happy, healthy kids.”

RELATED: West Shore daycare struggles for zoning approval of new location

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