

Community Futures offers new supports for local businesses

For Barriere, Clearwater, Kamloops, Sun Peaks and Chase businesses affected by the COVID-19 outbreak

  • Apr. 9, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Community Futures Thompson Country (CFTC) launched two new services to assist businesses in Kamloops, Clearwater, Barriere, Sun Peaks and Chase that have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and the resulting Provincial/Federal regulations and associated social distancing requirements.

The two new services come in the forms of the COVID-19 Loan Program and COVID-19 Business Support Program.

A new COVID-19 Loan Program will provide business loans of up to $20,000 based on Business Analyst assessed needs and impact requirements. These loans will have streamlined application and approval processes, no administration fee, lower interest rates and an interest-only option for the first three months.

For businesses with needs beyond those addressed with the new COVID-19 Loan Program, CFTC does offer more comprehensive loans within the main lending program. Information about qualification requirements and loan applications can be found on the CFTC website at www.communityfutures.net or by calling the CFTC Office at 250-828-8772.

Community Futures Thompson Country recognizes the incredible strain that our business community is facing and the confusion that exists for businesses trying to navigate access to federal and provincial relief funding. Through a new COVID-19 Business Support Program, CFTC will be providing one-to-one virtual and telephone support to businesses to assist them in completing the required applications for relief funding.

Businesses are able to access this service by calling the CFTC Office at 250-828-8772 or by email at reception@communityfutures.net

We are facing unprecedented times within our business community and Community Futures Thompson Country is here to support. As per the direction of the CDC, the CFTC office is currently closed to the public; however, all CFTC services and staff remain available to clients and the public through telephone and email. Contact hours are 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays).


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