The society hosts a market in the Old Firehall building on Fridays and Saturdays. (Submitted)

Community garden plots available through Old Fire Hall Collective

Applications as well as AGM coming up later this month

  • Mar. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Old Fire Hall Collective Society’s community garden will be accepting applications this month.

Launched later in the growing season last year, only one acre of the five acre property is currently in use until there are more funds for fencing.

The society, which works out of the old fire hall and hosts a 50-mile farmers’ market on Saturdays, aims to swing the pendulum back towards local food production.

“Historically 95 per cent of food consumed here was grown here,” said society president Rosemary Hughes. “Now it is about five per cent.”

READ MORE: Old fire hall gets fresh start

The old fire hall itself features a kitchen, walk in cooler and an upstairs yoga studio which can be rented by the public.

Though on hold for the moment, the society hosts cooking classes in the kitchen and preserve food on site as well

At the back of the building they have an equipment rental program, with things such as a rototiller, walk behind tractor and post hole logger, for those looking to start their own garden.

In their boardroom upstairs they have a variety of gardening books that can be borrowed as well.

At the moment vendors are limited due to the pandemic, but there is usually room for ten, more on the sunny days.

Coming up at the end of the month is a seed starting workshop as well as the Annual General Meeting.

The Fringe market runs Friday, from 12-4 p.m., and the 50-mile market on Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays at lunch, the society hosts a free Soup and Social.


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Arrow Lakes News


Volunteers built a fence last year on the society’s community garden property on Airport Road. (Contributed)

The society hosts a market in the Old Firehall building on Fridays and Saturdays. (Contributed)