Comox town hall. Black Press file photo

Comox approves 2021 tax rates

Homeowners can expect a 4.95 per cent in their residential tax rates this year

Homeowners in the Town of Comox can expect a 4.95 per cent in their residential tax rates this year.

During a special council meeting on May 13, council formally voted to set the rate for the coming year along with the commercial tax rate at 3.95 per cent, as the business tax rate uses a multiplier (4.20).

Last month, Jordan Wall, the town’s chief administrative officer said in 2021 the municipality is facing a number of upwards operating budgetary pressures including an increased policing cost of $670,000 per year and $45,000 increase in operating costs.

Additionally, council also formally adopted the sanitary sewer and water services parcel tax bylaw, which are both increasing from last year.

As the town is split between flat rate users and those on water meters, flat rate users will see an increase from $401.51 to $440.40 for 450/m3 and for each cubic meter above that, the charge increases to $1.63/m3.

Last year, the flat rate allowed was 500/m3.

Those on meters will see an increase from $15.56 to $16.68 for the first 15/m3.

Water customers paying based on metered usage and using a maximum of 15/m3 per month would see a savings of $229 per year over paying the flat rate fee.

With sewer, the Comox Valley Regional District increased their sewerage fee for collection and treatment by 6.15 per cent, resulting in an increase of $184,000 to the town. As a result, residents will see a 6.15 increase in fees.

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