Comox Valley coal mine watchdog group questions Raven job projections

CoalWatch Comox Valley released a report Monday entitled Raven Jobs Projections — A Closer Look.

CoalWatch Comox Valley released a report Monday entitled Raven Jobs Projections — A Closer Look.

The report was prepared by Comox Valley’s Alice de Wolff and Associates. The purpose of the report is to contribute to the assessment of the economic impact on the Comox Valley of Compliance Energy Corporations (CEC) proposed Raven Underground Coal Mine Project.

“This report presents a detailed discussion of the Raven Coal Mine proponent’s employment projections, that is unlikely to be presented by the company in it’s forthcoming Application/Environmental Impact Statement,” said CoalWatch president John Snyder. “Alice de Wolff’s report takes an in-depth look at these job projections, and calls many of them into serious question.”

“Alice de Wolff has been a labour market researcher and analyst for over 20 years, and we’re grateful for her in-depth report,” said Snyder. “This report makes more socio-economic information available to the public, and will add to the continued public dialogue on the socio-economic impacts of this massive coal mine project in our community.”

The full report can be viewed at

— CoalWatch Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record