Comox Valley Presbyterian Church, Town of Comox looking at land use options

The congregation is exploring options for use of the property

Comox Valley Presbyterian Church on Aspen Road. Google Maps photo

Comox Valley Presbyterian Church on Aspen Road. Google Maps photo

The Town of Comox and the Comox Valley Presbyterian Church are looking at various options for a portion of undeveloped property on Aspen Road.

Michael Day, on behalf of the church’s Visions Committee, informed council in October the congregation is exploring options for use of the property, specifically with the direction that the land be used to serve and enhance the welfare of the people within the community.

“To be clear, we view our community as those citizens inclusive of, and beyond, those members of our congregation, including our immediate neighbourhood, the Town of Comox and the Comox Valley of a whole, regardless of religious affiliation,” he noted in a letter to council.

Several ideas were listed including a performance space, dedicated daycare facility or facility for resources for seniors or special support programs.

Day added in the spirit of partnership, the committee would consider projects that were also being contemplated by the Town.

At the Oct. 21 council meeting, Mayor Russ Arnott said he and Jordan Wall, the Town’s chief administrative officer met with some members of the church to discuss the land.

“From our discussion, it sounds like they want to move towards a housing model – I’m thinking that would be first and foremost. They’re literally putting everything out there so they’re going to be having more discussions with their congregation and I’m sure we’re going to be having more conversations with them as well. We even talked about co-op housing, daycare, mixed-use or somewhere for families to rent with more than two bedrooms.”

A motion for the Town to engage in a conversation with the church to explore opportunities that could be presented to the Town was approved unanimously.

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