Concerned about crime or suspicious activity in your neighbourhood?

Concerned about crime or suspicious activity in your neighbourhood?

Block Watch includes all communities that the Barriere RCMP oversee

  • May. 26, 2019 12:00 a.m.

As the Barriere and Area Block Watch Program continues to develop, interested volunteers are still being sought for their participation, both as co-captains or as regular participants.

The Block Watch Program “is a free community-based crime prevention program administered by your local police. Residents on a street or in a complex form a communication chain, aided by a block map of names, telephone numbers, and addresses. They make a commitment to watch out for each other’s homes, and report suspicious activities to the police and to each other. They also keep each other informed about neighbourhood occurrences, burglary, thefts, and other crimes or problems occurring on their street.”

There is no cost to join and the District of Barriere has provided funding for the start up fee. Individuals looking to join as regular participants are asked to participate by watching out for their neighbours and their neighbour’s property, notifying police of suspicious activity and crimes, update and implement security measures in their own home and vehicles, and attend a yearly block watch meeting.

Individuals looking to do more can apply to become a co-captain of the block watch and help in distributing crime prevention information at community events, attend training sessions, organize yearly meetings, and helping to set up signage in their community. Block Watch does not require volunteers to conduct patrols, but rather is an ‘eyes and ears’ organization that is designed to increase crime prevention strategies in the community.

You don’t need to live in Barriere to participate. The Block Watch program is looking for interested participants in all of the communities that the Barriere RCMP oversees, such as Louis Creek, Glengrove, Simpcw First Nation, Darfield, McLure, Adams Lake, the Barriere Lakes, Vinsulla, Knouff Lake and portions of Heffley Creek.

People interested in getting involved can contact Cpl. Rob Welsman at the Barriere Detachment; call 250-672-9918, and find out more about Block Watch BC at:

Submitted by RCMP Corporal R. Welsman

Barriere Detachment Commander

Barriere Star Journal