Ronald Driedger hit the moose late in the evening on Aug. 3, 2018, according to documents released by B.C.’s Civil Resolution Tribunal. (Black Press Media files)

Ronald Driedger hit the moose late in the evening on Aug. 3, 2018, according to documents released by B.C.’s Civil Resolution Tribunal. (Black Press Media files)

Conservation Office looking into four separate shootings of cow moose

Anyone with information on these or other poaching incidents are being asked to call the RAPP line

Four cases of female moose being shot in the last month are being investigated by conservation officers in the Skeena Region.

Conservation Officer Glen Small is investigating two of the cases. He said one occurred on March 15 on Lawson Road near Telkwa and the other on March 17 on the Morice Forest Service Road.

He said some people might get spooked by a moose and that might be a reason someone shoots a moose and leaves it.

There are numerous charges that could be laid for these incidents.

“Kill wildlife out of season; fail to retrieve; fail to remove all edible portions; shooting off roadways and depending if the person had a valid PAL, there could be criminal code charges as well…. firearm related offences,” said Small.

He added the two cases he is investigating were not done by the same person.

Anyone with information on these or other poaching incidents are being asked to call the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277.

“We rely heavily on the public to call the 24 hour hotline. That way we can try to get out there as fast as we can to deal with the situation,” he added.

“There are so few of us in the province, we can’t be everywhere at once.”

Smithers Interior News