COP out almost every night

More Citizens on Patrol volunteers needed to help RCMP

Wayne Bittner

Wayne Bittner

The South Cariboo Citizens on Patrol-100 Mile House (COP) are out almost every night of the week, volunteers patrol the town, checking suspicious behaviour, jotting down licence plate numbers and calling the RCMP if they note something irregular.

“We need more volunteers,” says COP captain Wayne Bittner.

“We have about 16 people, so [there are] eight teams of two.”

Normally the volunteers patrol two nights a month, two hours a shift, but with the shortage of people the shifts increase, he adds.

COP volunteer requirements include a criminal record check, a valid driver’s licence and the use of their personal vehicle.

These patrols serve as a deterrent to crime and members can log between 40 and 60 kilometres each time they go out. For each patrol, the drivers receive $20 to help with vehicle expenses, Bittner says, adding COP needs financial help to keep the patrols going since gasoline prices continue to be the major expense.

“Any donation is appreciated and donations of $20 and more will receive a tax receipt by mail.”

People are welcome to drop off the donation, addressed to COP, to the District of 100 Mile House office at 385 Birch Ave.

COP does not receive regular government funding, Bittner notes, although on occasion have received partial grants. Most of the funding comes from private donations or donations by providing security for private and public events.

For more information on security provisions, volunteering or donating, call toll free 1-877-593-2344 or e-mail

100 Mile House Free Press