Graffiti, including racist symbols, was left on the side of a house on Hespeler Road on the evening of July 13, 2020. The police investigation into the incident has now been closed. (Summerland Review file photo)

Cops close case on racist vandalism incident in Summerland

Swastikas were spray-painted on family's home in July, 2020

Police in Summerland were unable to find any suspects of a hate crime which left the home of a visible minority family vandalized with racist graffiti. RCMP have now closed the case file.

The incident occurred on the evening of July 13, 2020. Rocks were thrown through windows of the home and racist graffiti, including swastikas, was painted in red on the side of the house. The homeowners were at home at the time of the incident.

READ ALSO: Windows broken, racist graffiti left on Summerland home

READ ALSO: VIDEO: Parade held to show support for Summerland family targeted by racism

Speaking before Summerland municipal council on March 22, Sgt. Dave Preston of the Summerland RCMP detachment said the police file has now been closed.

“Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough evidence to go through with a charge,” he said.

However, Preston also said the case could be re-opened if the RCMP receive a useful tip from the public.

The incident left the community shaken. Days later, hundreds of residents drove past the home in support of the family, waving flags and showing signs with positive messages.

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