With the Highway 97 upgrade at Toop Road nearing completion, city council has approved a contract for the widening of Eleventh Avenue nearby. Monica Lamb-Yorski photo

With the Highway 97 upgrade at Toop Road nearing completion, city council has approved a contract for the widening of Eleventh Avenue nearby. Monica Lamb-Yorski photo

Council awards contract for widening 11th Avenue, several streets for rehabilitation

A list of streets have been approved for asphalt rehabilitation

Peterson Contracting Ltd. has been awarded a contract to widen Eleventh Avenue near the new highway project upgrade in 2020.

City council approved the contract for $479,604.91, excluding GST, for a total of $589,604 at its regular meeting Tuesday, Oct. 8.

“Reconstruction of Eleventh Avenue includes widening to match width further down the street, curb and gutter, sidewalk and drainage improvements from the Honda dealer to Smedley Street,” noted a report from Jeff Bernardy, Sr. Engineering Technologist in a report to city council.

Coun. Scott Nelson said the work will finish off the Highway 97 intersection upgrade project.

Read more: Toop, Highway 97 intersection completion date moved back to mid to late October

“There is actually a new business that has gone into the side of Honda,” Nelson said. “That project up there I’m estimating the entire cost is about $21 million, $22 million, approximately and our contribution is about $2.2 million to $2.3 million,” Nelson said. “This is above and beyond, but it really does is finishes an entire entrance to the community.”

The City, he added, is taking advantage of existing pricing for the Eleventh Avenue widening, and locking it in to save money.

Council also approved the a list of street names for asphalt rehabilitation in 2020.

On the list are parts of Coxon, Pigeon, Midnight, Moon Slater, Moxon, McDougall and a bit of Fourth, Second and Mackenzie.

“When I saw the streets, I thought, ‘good luck’, let’s hope we can get them all done because there are a number of streets that we’re hopefully finally going to get caught up on,” said Mayor Walt Cobb before the vote.

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