

COUNCIL BRIEFS: Three chosen to repesent Sooke on mediation panel

Regional-growth strategy, road delineators and energy among items council tackled

Mayor Maja Tait, Coun. Rick Kasper and director of development services Rob Howat will represent Sooke when the Capital Regional District begins a non-binding mediation process for the regional-growth strategy.

Mediation is required to resolve disputes within the regional-growth strategy related to growth management, water servicing and mapping after seven municipalities did not accept the recommendations earlier this year.

Although, Sooke did approve the regional-growth strategy, it chose to take part in the mediation.

Mayor Maja Tait, on behalf of council has written a letter of support to B.C. Hydro for Sooke-based Mouck Marine Energy Productions’ Illuminate the Way, Independent Energy Infrastructure Upgrade. Mouck wants to establish an independent energy infrastructure upgrade using “smart” energy management systems.

Sooke News Mirror