The property on Bridge Street, a former gas station, is being proposed as a possible location for seniors housing.

The property on Bridge Street, a former gas station, is being proposed as a possible location for seniors housing.

Council eyes prime lot for possible seniors complex

A prime piece of Princeton real estate is being considered as a possible home for a seniors housing complex.

A prime piece of Princeton real estate is being considered as a possible home for a seniors housing complex.

Princeton council has requested a September meeting with BC’s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to discuss the project.

Mayor Frank Armitage said the municipality is not looking to become a landlord, but to propose the idea for developers.

“Towns do not get into the housing business, that is done by developers,” he said in an interview with The Spotlight. “Certainly we want to make sure we have property available in preferred locations.”

Related: Corner lot is “prime” location for development

Armitage said the former Burr Motors lot on Bridge Street, which was acquired by the town through tax sale, could be an ideal location for a complex suited to older residents.

The property is close to all local amenities, he noted.

“Having one on the edge of town boundaries isn’t going to do anyone any good.”

An overview included in a recent council packages states:

“The Town of Princeton would like to discuss retirement/affordable housing in downtown Princeton for people transitioning from traditional single family housing to apartment living….The Town of Princeton owns a parcel of land in the downtown core and would like, for the purposes of development, to propose an affordable housing project. The project will enable the town to satisfy a major affordability housing need and contribute to the revitalization of our town centre.”

The overview estimates Princeton’s need for this type of housing at between 50 and 100 units.

There are presently two non-market housing providers in Princeton. Princeton and District Community Services operates Aspen Court, a town house development for low-income families, Vermilion Court, a 17-unit complex for seniors, and three group homes for persons with disabilities.

Princeton Silvercrest Housing Society operates two rental buildings.

Armitage said third parties have already indicated an interest in the Burr Motors location.

The property, a former gas station, was recently tested for soil and water contamination and the municipality is awaiting the results of that study.

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