Trail City Council approved the Trail Parks, Recreation, and Culture’s new COVID-19 Re-opening Strategy at the Governance and Operations Committee meeting on June 8. (Jim Bailey photo)

Trail City Council approved the Trail Parks, Recreation, and Culture’s new COVID-19 Re-opening Strategy at the Governance and Operations Committee meeting on June 8. (Jim Bailey photo)

Council moves forward with COVID-19 Re-opening Strategy

Trail Governance and Operations Committee briefs

Trail Governance and Operations Committee briefs:

Trail Parks, Recreation and Culture released its COVID-19 Re-opening Strategy at the Governance and Operations Committee meeting on June 8.

The comprehensive document presented by Parks Director Trisha Davison focuses on how the City can proceed with reopening its public facilities responsibly, timely, and safely.

Most parks, playgrounds and spray parks (as of June 11) are now open to the public, and the Parks and Rec department is going ahead with summer camps, and the city is opening the Trail Riverfront Centre with revised protocol, reduced hours, and strict safety precautions.

The city’s next focus will be on the Trail Memorial Centre, the Fieldhouse and the Trail Aquatic and Leisure Centre, definitely more daunting tasks, whose plan to open will be drafted and considered in the next couple months.

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) David Perehudoff commented on the strategy stressing that all precautions regarding signage, oversight, funding, and operations must be taken to avoid liability issues.

“Should a Covid-19 outbreak originate in a City run facility that results in a claim, having the required guiding documents in place is important. In addition, City administration will need to follow-up and monitor as part of ensuring there is full compliance with the plan.

“Staff will have to be vigilant as part of ensuring all requirements are fully met, including service levels represented within the guiding document.”

Council unanimously approved the reopening strategy.

Related read: Trail opens playgrounds and spray park

Public Works: Work on the Water Treatment Plant was given the thumbs up, as wear and tear on components that cycle repeatedly was affecting the water-treatment process.

As part of the 2020 Water Treatment Plant upgrades, Council agreed to purchase valves and actuators from Summit Valve and Controls Inc. for $67,671, which comes under the more than $86,000 budgeted for the replacement.

Handrails: A project to repair and replace damaged handrails in Greater Trail was also given the go ahead.

The city awarded the contract, worth just over $41,000, to Columbia Steel, after a request for quote (RFQ) was sent out in March.

According to the staff report, there are 75 handrails throughout the city that need fixing or replacing. Normally, staff would fix the faulty handrails, however, cuts to the mechanical department staff have prevented consistent summer maintenance, and many fell in disrepair.

Hospitality Industry: As Greater Trail restaurants and pubs begin to open under strict safety and distancing protocols, Trail council supported the provincial initiative to allow them to expand their service areas.

Council agreed to offer its pre-approval for all liquor licencees and manufacturers who apply for expansion to the Liquor Control and Regulation Branch (LCRB).

“Council’s approval of the recommendation will ensure that any business that does come forward and seeks to expand that their application will effectively be “fast tracked”,” commented the CAO. “This will ensure that businesses can more quickly respond and implement measures to increase revenue without having to wait weeks and months for approval.”

Increasing their service area will allow businesses to decrease the density of patrons in their establishments and to continue to serve patrons while complying with the Provincial Health Officers’ orders and guidelines regarding physical distancing.

Trail RV Park: Council also approved the strategy to reopen the Trail RV Park. While a date has not been released, the plan will reduce the number of spaces available by 50 percent and maintain the protocol and sanitary obligations required by the PHO. A Park Code of Conduct also will be issued to each camper prior to arrival.

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