District of Fort St. James Councillor Kris Nielsen has submitted her resignation from council, effective March 30, 2011.
She cites personal reasons for her choice not to complete her term, which would end in November of this year. Nielson was positive about her time serving on council, but declined further comment on her reasons for leaving early.
“It’s been great working with this council, as it has been working with past councils, and it’s exciting for the community to be dealing with what they’re dealing with around the mine … and the prospect of community growth,” said Nielson.
“Everybody around the table brings with them a great skill set and contributes well to municipal activities.”
In the interim, council has decided not to hold a by-election for her seat, because there is an election in November of this year. There will therefore be four members left on council.
Her portfolios will be distributed amongst council for what would have remained of her term.
Nielson was on the housing committee, the health advisory committee and was a representative on the Greening Up Fort St. James Society as well as being an alternate on a few other boards and groups.
In a news release from the district, Mayor Sandra Harwood said “Kris has been a strong voice on council and she will be missed. We wish her all the best for the future.”