Moving parked vehicles off Courtenay street will help operators clear snow from roadways.

Moving parked vehicles off Courtenay street will help operators clear snow from roadways.

Courtenay crews working 24/7 to remove snow

Courtenay residents kind enough to be outside shoveling snow in their neighborhoods are kindly asked not to block drains, fire hydrants or roadways.

  • Jan. 16, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Courtenay residents kind enough to be outside shoveling snow in their neighborhoods are kindly asked not to block drains, fire hydrants or roadways.

City of Courtenay Public Works Services have all available crews and equipment responding to the major snow event that happened Wednesday.

Crews are operating on three overlapping shifts lasting up to 16 hours each, providing nearly 24-hour coverage in the city.

Crews had proactively prepared for snowfall the last few days. They applied brine to all Courtenay streets before the snowfall, which helps prevent ice and snow from sticking to roadways.

Each snow event is different, and Public Works will tailor their response depending on conditions and forecasts.

Snow can be particularly challenging to those with mobility issues and the elderly. The City encourages residents to clear sidewalks, and if they are able, to support any neighbours who may need assistance clearing snow, and to check in on those who may need a helping hand.

Residents can also help by:

o Moving parked vehicles off the street. Doing so will help operators clear streets as quickly and efficiently as possible.

o Clear snow from storm drains and fire hydrants. This will help melting snow drain, and ensure quick access to a hydrant in case of a fire.

o Please don’t shovel snow onto the roadway. It creates a traffic hazard and interferes with melting snow.

Comox Valley Record