Interior Health is reporting a COVID-19 exposure at Selkirk Secondary in Kimberley. Bulletin file.

COVID-19 case identified at Selkirk Secondary in Kimberley

Interior Health is conducting contact tracing

Superintendent of Schools for SD6, Karen Shipka, has confirmed that there has been a COVID-19 case identified at Selkirk Secondary School in Kimberley.

She says Interior Health is currently conducting interviews to determine close contacts.

“Interior Health will notify close contacts directly and will update us once the event is concluded,” she said.

According to information on the IH website if a student or teacher receives a confirmed positive the steps are:

1. Start contact tracing to determine how the person was infected and who they were in close contact with

2. Identify and notify close contacts who may be at an increased risk, and advise them to self isolate and monitor for symptoms for 14 days.

3. Work closely with the school and school district throughout the case and contact tracing process to maintain close communication with the school community.

IH public health determines close contacts of individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 using specific criteria, based on likelihood of transmission.

READ: B.C. to begin publicly listing COVID-19 school exposure events

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