
COVID-19 cases increasing again in Fraser Health

Fraser North is seeing the greatest growth, Fraser East also heading up

  • Mar. 1, 2021 12:00 a.m.

UPDATE: Data for the week of Feb. 19 to 25 had reporting errors that led to the COVID-19 case counts being under represented for that week. The BCCDC has since updated their numbers, showing that Fraser East saw 325 new cases, rather than 319. Fraser North had 758 new cases, rather than 719, and Fraser South had 890 new cases instead of 802.

The daily rate of new COVID-19 cases that week with the original data showed all three communities in close proximity to each other, with Fraser East at 15.4 new cases per 100,000 people, Fraser North at 16.1 new cases per 100,000 people and Fraser South at 14.6 new cases per 100,000 people.

The revised data shows that Fraser East had 15.7 new cases per 100,000 people, Fraser North had 16.9 new cases and Fraser South had 16.2 new cases.

The charts have been updated to reflect the new numbers. More details can be found in the story on the Feb. 26 to March 4 COVID-19 case numbers for the eastern Fraser Valley.

After reaching their lowest point since November at the beginning of this month, COVID-19 cases are heading back up in the Fraser Health region.

Between Feb. 19 and Feb. 25, Fraser East saw 319 new cases of COVID-19. The area has been hovering around 300 cases a week for the last five weeks, but has been seeing a slight trend upwards. Fraser South is also seeing a gradual increase in COVID-19 case numbers, going from a low of 710 new cases in mid-January to 802 new cases this past week.

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Fraser North is continuing to see the largest increase in COVID-19 case numbers, as the number of new COVID-19 cases reported each week has more than doubled since the beginning of the month.

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Fraser North, which covers communities around Maple Ridge, the Tri-Cities and Burnaby, has gone from a low of 317 new cases in the beginning of February to 719 new cases in the past week.

RELATED: Eastern Fraser Valley staying around 300 new COVID-19 cases each week

Fraser North’s rate of new cases per 100,000 people — one of the easiest ways to compare COVID-19 cases in areas of different populations — is the highest in the Fraser Health region, with just over 16 people testing positive each day for every 100,000 people.

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All three parts of Fraser Health continue to be in close quarters for their daily rates of COVID-19. All were seeing around 14 new cases a day per 100,000 people last week; increases in Fraser East moved that rate up to just under 16 people a day per 100,000 people.

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Although Fraser East is no longer seeing the highest rate of cases in the Fraser Valley, the daily rate is not much different from when it was.

Province-wide, COVID-19 cases saw a spike on Feb. 17. Fraser East saw 76 cases in that one day, Fraser North saw 107, Fraser South saw 161 and the rest of the province 270 cases. The daily case counts have been trending down each day since then — however, cases in Fraser Health have been moving back up since Feb. 22.

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