Rosemary Heights Elementary. (File photo)

Rosemary Heights Elementary. (File photo)

COVID-19 exposure sends entire Rosemary Heights class to self-isolation

Students of one class now learning from home

An entire class at Rosemary Heights Elementary has been told to stay home and self-isolate after a COVID-19 exposure.

Surrey School District spokesperson Ritinder Matthew confirmed to Peace Arch News Tuesday that students in one class are being told to stay home, and that the district is prepared for instances such as this.

READ ALSO: Surrey’s Rosemary Heights reports fourth COVID-19 exposure

READ ALSO: B.C. to begin publicly listing COVID-19 school exposure events

Matthew shared a letter the district sent to parents on Oct. 6 notifying that an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 attended Rosemary Heights Elementary on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1-2.

“Based on their contact tracing, Fraser Health has reached out today with additional information for one class, including instructions for that class to stay at home and self-isolate. Fraser Health will be reaching out to these parents and staff directly,” the letter said. “Please note that only one class is being asked to self-isolate. All other classes should continue to attend school and monitor for symptoms compatible with COVID-19 as per our school policy.”

Matthew said student learning will not be disrupted, as class instruction will continue virtually.

“In our district’s pandemic planning, we did develop protocols to ensure the continuity of learning for classes that may find themselves in this situation,” Matthew said.

Preparations include a technology platform to support remote instruction and mental health supports for students.

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