Fraser Health has declared a COVID-19 outbreak at the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation Lodge. (File photo)

COVID-19 outbreak declared at Peace Arch Hospital Foundation Lodge

Two staff members, two residents test positive for virus, Fraser Health says

Fraser Health has declared a new COVID-19 outbreak at the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation Lodge in South Surrey.

Two residents and two staff members have tested positive, according to a news release issued Thursday evening.

In the same bulletin, Fraser Health announced that four residents and one staff member at Baillie House in Maple Ridge had also tested positive for the virus, and that “a Fraser Health rapid response team is at each site.”

Communication with residents and families is underway, the release notes.

“Fraser Health has worked with each site to support the implementation of enhanced control measures. Fraser Health is also working with each site to identify anyone who may have been exposed and is taking steps to protect the health of all staff, residents and families,” the release states.

At both the Maple Ridge and Peace Arch sites, Fraser Health has implemented the following: staffing levels have been supported to maintain resident care; visitors have been restricted throughout the facility; staff and residents movement in the facility has been restricted; cleaning and infection control measures have been enhanced; and there is now twice-a-day screening of all staff and residents.

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