Cowichan Neighbourhood House is looking for sponsors and volunteers for their annual Adopt-a-Family campaign this Christmas. (submitted)

Cowichan Neighbourhood House is looking for sponsors and volunteers for their annual Adopt-a-Family campaign this Christmas. (submitted)

Cowichan Neighbourhood House looking for sponsors for Adopt a Family for Christmas program

Cowichan Neighbourhood House Association is gearing up for its annual Adopt a Family for Christmas gift and food hamper program.

Cowichan Neighbourhood House Association is gearing up for its annual Adopt a Family for Christmas gift and food hamper program.

Curious about how it works?

Families in need submit their gift lists to the CNHA’s registry. Willing donors are kept apprised of the list of families and their details by email as the list grows.

Donors then pick a family from the list by requesting the number assigned to them on the registry and once it’s confirmed, they can head out and shop for that family, or donate funds for volunteers to go shopping.

Gifts are then dropped off at 9806 Willow St. in Chemainus no later than Saturday, Dec. 15 for volunteers to box, assemble and/or arrange for distribution.

Donations of frozen turkeys or non-perishable foods are also accepted as are funds for the purchase of items for food hampers.

“Financial donations help stretch your dollars, as we can purchase turkeys, hams, other food items, and sometimes gifts, at lower rates through supportive local businesses,” explained CNHA volunteers. “We are a registered non‐profit society and can provide tax receipts.”

Donations can also be made online at or by writing a cheque to the Cowichan Neighbourhood House Association.

And it doesn’t have to cost you money, either. You can volunteer your time. Contact the CNHA by Nov. 30 to join the team.

Hamper pickup for families on the list is Dec. 18-20.

Last year the organization helped 120 families in Cowichan and surrounding areas.

More information can be found at

Cowichan Valley Citizen