Students in the Cowichan Valley will be heading back to school full time on Sept. 8, 2020.
Yesterday, the Ministry of Education and Dr. Bonnie Henry laid out their roadmap for returning to full time, in-class, instruction for the 2020/21 school year, the school district said in a press release, and now the local school board is working to localize that plan.
“With detailed and updated health and safety protocols, as well as a financial investment to support it, schools continue to be safe places for students and staff return to,” the district said. “The best place for leaners is in school and their social emotional development, education, and mental health all benefit for it.”
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The Ministry has introduced learning group numbers for elementary and secondary, detailed cleaning routines, and availability of reusable masks for times when physical distancing is not possible. These additions, over and above the health and safety procedures put in place for June will help everyone stay safe.
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“Over the next weeks we will be modifying our return to school plans and working with our union partners to ensure a good transition back to class for all of our learners,” said Candace Spilsbury, chair of the Board of Education for the Cowichan Valley School District. “We always take the health and safety of our staff and students very seriously, and with these new guidelines we know that we can continue to do that.”
New information will be available for parents and students by Aug. 26 and will lay out new learning group structures and detail any schedule changes. The updated back to school information from the Ministry of Education can be found at