The proposed renovations at the Quesnel Rec Centre. (CRD Drawing)

CRD approves Quesnel pool referendum date

Voters will be asked to approve borrowing $20 million to upgrade Quesnel Rec Centre

  • Apr. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

It’s official — voters in Quesnel will decide the fate of a proposed renovation at the Quesnel Arts and Rec Centre.

The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) approved the proposed date of Saturday, June 19 for the referendum at their April 16 board meeting.

The referendum will ask residents if they approve of the district and city borrowing $20 million to renovate the poolside area at the centre. The upgrades will include a new leisure pool, sauna and expanded change rooms. The centre’s operating expenses would increase by $200,000 per year.

Borrowing for the project would cause a residential tax increase of $45/$100,000 on assessed properties.

“The time has come for us to address the pool as the next high-priority project in the North Cariboo,” Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson said. “We require modern recreation amenities to attract and retain residents and to improve the quality of life for the people who call Quesnel home. Investing in our recreation infrastructure is essential to the long-term sustainability of our community.”

To be eligible to vote, residents must be 18 years or older, a Canadian citizen, a resident of B.C. for at least 6 months, and live within or own property in the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Service Area. That area includes Quesnel and CRD areas A, B, C and I.

“Areas with strong infrastructure and new facilities have a proven advantage in attracting new investment, potential workers, and those with a variety of residency options,” Cariboo Regional Area A District Director Mary Sjostrom said. “Upgrades such as this project are crucial in attracting long-term in-migration, particularly families. Approval of the referendum question will allow the project to proceed without delay.”

The full project plan can be found at, with voting information found at

Virtual town halls on Facebook are planned so residents can learn more about the project and ask questions.

READ MORE: District, city, plan for Quesnel Rec. Centre referendum

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