I recently purchased a Visual Journal for 2016.
With space to create a sketch, or write a verse of inspiration or paste a small picture I have 365 days to fill up a blank page with creativity for each day of the coming year.
I was inspired by an article written one year ago by Eileen Chadnick, principal of Big Cheese Coaching to make a personal review of the year past and the coming year.
Here are the highlights:
1. What went well in 2015? It is much easier to concentrate on the negative, so dig deep and write out the good things that happened last year. This is a lot easier if you have a daily gratitude journal to refer to!
2. What changed for the better? Sometimes when so called “bad luck” happens the bad luck turns into “good luck” down the road. It really is hard to tell the difference between bad luck and good luck; as one door closes another one opens.
3. What personal qualities did you improve on over the last year?
4. Make a list of all the people that you were grateful for over the last year. Maybe put these people on your “valentine thank-you card” list if you didn’t send them a Christmas card yet. Sometimes it is only one encounter but they changed the path your life took, or it is someone who deceased many years ago but they still impact your life in a positive way.
5. What do you need to let go of in 2016? For most of us de-cluttering is goal at this time of year. When we declutter we make way for something new to come into our lives. But if you are like me, de-cluttering is going to take the better part of a year so start with baby steps at getting rid of “stuff”. Read the very popular book “The Life Changing Habit of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo to get you started. For me keeping my car clean is also important.
6. What personal qualities would you like to change and improve on this year?
7. Is there something new that you want to learn about in 2016 or take a course on at your local community college? Or dance or fitness class you would like to take?
8. How will you boost your sense of gratitude this year? My favorite way to keep a gratitude journal is using the “Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar”. The beautiful photography and quotes are very conducive to finding beauty and joy in your own life.
9. Who and what will inspire you in the year ahead? Do you need to find an outlet for “giving back”? Is there a volunteer organization you have been meaning to join? Being the best you can be, brings all the best into your life, you’ll see!
10. Do you need more discipline in your life? If you can unplug from your gadgets for two hours per day then you are NOT addicted. You can also create more free time by spending less time in front of the “screens” in your life! What creative skill do you have that you are not using because you don’t have “time”?
11. Create a map for success. Get Steven Covey’s book “First Things First” to create a plan of success in all aspects of your life. When you write it down it comes true!
12. What was your theme for 2015? Complete the following phrase: For me personally 2015 was the year of ______________ . If you could celebrate just one accomplishment at the end of 2016 what would that be? “As I reflect on my year ahead 2016 will be the year of_______________”.