Creston town council approves rezoning to allow gymnastics facility

Creston town council approved a zoning bylaw amendment to permit health and fitness use at 1714 Canyon Street...

Plans to construct a new facility for the Creston Valley Gymnastics Club on Canyon Street took a major step forward on May 12 when town council approved a zoning bylaw amendment to permit health and fitness use on the property.

Coun. Joe Snopek conducted a public hearing prior to the regular council meeting. Hearing no questions or objections from the gallery, Snopek declared the hearing closed. After town council received an overview of design changes proposed to make the building more visually appealing, the required amendment was passed unanimously.

Construction adjacent to the former Broaster House building is expected to begin this year.


Council Briefs

•Erin Carr, representing Gadicke and Carr, presented the 2014 audited financial statements. Carr said she had no irregularities or concerns to report.

•Tax rates will be set at a special council meeting on April 21.

•A request for a discretionary grant from the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network was received. The group will be advised their application would be more suitable for a Community Initiatives Grant in the future.

•Application will be made to fund joint activities involving town council and the Lower Kootenay Band council under the C2C regional community-to-community forum grant program.

•Booking fees for Millennium Park were waived for a Teen Action Committee-sponsored concert on Aug. 15.

•Minor changes to the water rates and regulations amendment bylaw and fees and charges amendment bylaw were each given three readings. The amendments are primarily housekeeping changes.

•Engineering manager Colin Farynowski presented an overview of the town’s asset management program, which sets out plans to maintain and replace sewer and water lines, roads and sidewalks and other assets over a long term.


Creston Valley Advance