Crews responded quickly to a report of smoke coming from Care Closet Thrift Store’s A/C unit. (Jordyn Thomson - Western News)

Crews responded quickly to a report of smoke coming from Care Closet Thrift Store’s A/C unit. (Jordyn Thomson - Western News)

Crews respond to smoke at Penticton thrift store

The rooftop A/C unit began filling the building with smoke, prompting them to evacuate

  • May. 24, 2019 12:00 a.m.

No it’s not a fire sale at the Care Closet Thrift Store, it was nearly a fire today at approximately 3:00 p.m. when the air conditioning unit’s motor blew.

According to staff at the store, located at 574 Main St., they heard a large pop come from their rooftop A/C on May 24 and decided to turn off it’s power. When smoke started filling the building, however, they decided to play it safe rather than sorry and evacuate the building and call the Penticton Fire Department to investigate.

According to Capt. Rob Trupp the crew is investigating the source of the smoke from the A/C and will ventilate the building with their positive pressure fan after it has been addressed. He said the staff made the right call when they cut power to the unit, as that would be the first step his crew would have taken.

Traffic is reduced to one lane on Main Street beginning at White Avenue as crews are still on scene.

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Jordyn Thomson | Reporter


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