The Critical Mass Bike Ride cycling down Baker Street in Nelson, BC.

The Critical Mass Bike Ride cycling down Baker Street in Nelson, BC.

Critical Mass Bike Ride

Cyclists chanted “Bike not pipes,” as they rode in support for clean energy sources.

All slideshow photos by T. Hynd

Bells were ringing on bicycles today as the Critical Mass Bike Ride for a Clean Energy Future rolled down Baker Street. Cyclists chanted “Bike not pipes,” as they rode to rally for clean energy sources.

Kootenays for a Pipeline-free BC and Kootenays for Non-Violent Direct Action organized the ride. Before hitting the road, organizers spoke to the crowd about prioritizing clean energy sources as an alternative to the oil industry.

Bikes and riders were adorned with signs, balloons, and baskets full of flowers and puppies.  Parents rode with their children and costumes varied from a bumble bee and baby elephant to a mighty eagle.

Cyclists rode through downtown Nelson and finished their ride at Lakeside Park to gather for short rally speeches and music.

Nelson Star