Crockett ready to represent Green Party

Greig Crockett has swept the nominations to become the Okanagan-Shuswap’s Green Party candidate for the next federal election.

A retired lawyer living in Coldstream, Crockett ran against candidates Karen Durant and Chris George.

“The other two were excellent contenders,” said Crockett, who got involved with the party four years ago in support of Huguette Allan.

As a father of two, Crockett is eager to ensure the future generations are able to enjoy their world in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.

“People who are involved in the Green Party aren’t doing it for themselves,” said Crockett.

Upset over some things the Stephen Harper government is doing, such as proposing more prisons, is why Crockett decided to get involved.

Instead of spending billions on building, and then further billions on running, prisons, Crockett says those dollars could be pumped into proper day cares, sports programs, teachers and other efforts to help raise responsible citizens.

“Then you won’t need the prisons,” said Crockett, who likes to believe that everyone is good and not a criminal.

Climate change is also a major concern which Crockett says the whole economy needs to adjust to take cognisant of that.

Using the science behind it all, Crockett says you can take a barrel of oil out of the ground and when it is burned up it appears to have gone away. But what’s left behind is C02 and other harmful pollutants that are invisible to the eye.

“We know if we leave the car running in the garage it will kill us,” Crockett uses as an example. “Our atmosphere is a closed space, just like our garage, but bigger.”

He also has suggestions for the struggling economy, including getting more people to use alternative power, which goes back into the grid, which they are paid for.



Vernon Morning Star