Custodian pepper sprayed

A custodian, who was leaving work at an Apartment Complex in the 2300 block of Gordon Drive was pepper sprayed.

A custodian who was leaving work at an apartment complex in Kelowna Tuesday night was pepper sprayed by a thief who was breaking into a vehicle.

RCMP say the incident occured around 9:30 p.m. Tuesday night in the 2300 block of Gordon Drive.

Police say the 56-year-old victim heard the sound of glass breaking in the apartment’s parkade where he was parked, and saw a male leaning into the smashed window of the vehicle.

The victim confronted the male, who first threatened the victim with bolt cutters, before producing the pepper spray and firing it in the victim’s direction, according to RCMP, who added the would-be thief then made a hasty retreat on a red BMX bicycle fleeing northbound up Gordon Drive. The victim was not injured and managed to avoid most of the pepper blast.

The suspect is described as a Caucasian male in his 20s with a red mustache and is around 5-foot-7. He was wearing a black ball cap, green hooded canvas Army type coat, and blue jeans.

While police recognize the victim was acting with good intentions, they recommend the public avoid confrontations with persons engaged in illegal activities.

“A person who feels threatened can act in an unpredictable and aggressive manner, said Cst. Steve Holmes. “If that person has a weapon, they may use it in an attempt to get away. Instead of confronting, make observations of the individual and the incident, that can be passed on to Police in order to aid their investigation.”

If anyone has any information about this incident, please contact Cst. JONES of the Kelowna RCMP at (250) 762-3300 or contact CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS)


Kelowna Capital News